Members of 棱镜 pose with drag queens who performed at Doane is Love week's drag party.
Members of 棱镜 pose with drag queens who performed at this year's drag party in Nyrop Hall. 棱镜 advisor and Doane assistant professor 阿曼达铁 is in awe of and massively proud of her 学生 who took risks to put on and attend the event. Drag shows are facing heat in 多个州 with legislation trying to prevent them at universities and public places. 照片由PJ拉姆齐提供.



On Valentine’s Day couples and the staunchly single advertise their love of partner and self. 流行文化孕育了情人节, female friends brunch and brag about their strong platonic kinships. 

乍一看, Doane ' s Love Week也提供同样的甜食, 甜蜜的感觉,像饼干装饰和一个 Build-a-Bear-like车间 where 学生 stuff tiny versions of Thomas to display in their dorm rooms.  

但它的历史和未来都很紧迫. Where the other holidays are rooted in the card company Hallmark and TV show Parks & Recreation, Doane is Love transpired from a protest by the Westboro Baptist Church.

In 2015, the Doane Owl published an article supporting LGBTQIA+ 学生. In April of that year, the Supreme Court ruled in Obergefell v. Hodges the legalization of same-sex marriage under the 14th Amendment. 

After the article ran, the Westboro Baptist Church protested Doane. 从那里, a one-day counterprotest in 2015 has flourished into a weeklong inclusive celebration now led by 棱镜 (People for the Rights of Individuals of Sexual Minorities)

但该活动的未来面临着来自校园以外的威胁. 和 not just the event, the very people it stands to celebrate in the LGBTQIA+ community. 

LB 574 advanced to the full Nebraska Legislature the week following Doane is Love. The bill would ban Nebraskans under the age of 19 from receiving gender-altering medical treatment.

A drag queen performs at the drag show during Doane is Love week.
Doane is Love week concluded with a drag show for the second year in a row.

多个州 are drafting legislation that would ban drag performances at schools, colleges and public property.  

Doane Is Love isn’t merely a celebration of love, Doane assistant professor 阿曼达铁, Ph.D. 说. 

“I think it’s a determination and I think it’s a bravery,” she 说. “When we are facing existential threats everywhere we go from individual people and from the state, 我们为什么不庆祝一下我们是谁?”

就在去年《十大网络娱乐平台注册》期间, three 学生 in 棱镜 (the group that heads up Doane is Love) were called slurs. 

“As much as I wish everyone would be nice people, it’s just not always possible,” senior PJ拉姆齐 说. Ramsey, who goes by they/them pronouns, is president of 棱镜. 

“The sad fact is that queer people have to desensitize themself to some degree; there’s not much we could do.”  

虽然该组织和成员的身份面临阻力, 来自各个角度的压力和偏见, the bubble that is 棱镜 is a safe space bursting with acceptance and expression.

“It’s nice to know that I have that bubble and that family to go back to where everybody is accepting; that’s what 棱镜 is,拉姆齐说.

They joined 棱镜 freshman year as a means to find that acceptance after being out for three years. 

“I came from a high school that is literally nicknamed cow pie high, 因为它在荒无人烟的地方,他们说. “所以没有很多人接受. 也许有两个人出去了.”

初级 瑞秋Mittlieder她是棱镜计划的秘书,通过拉姆齐加入. 想找个社区把她和十大网络娱乐平台注册绑在一起, 她是通过希腊生活认识拉姆齐的, 是谁邀请她参加棱镜计划会议的.

棱镜 学生 decorated campus with chalk and window paintings to promote Doane is Love week
《十大网络娱乐平台注册》是由学生领导的棱镜的代表作. The group numbers around 20-25 学生 who find a safe space with each other — and hope to spread that love and inclusivity across campus.

“I've never really acknowledged that part of myself,” Mittlieder 说. “It was nice to have a space to talk about it and see all these different people that come from all different walks of life and the different interactions that we have.”

Interactions that include impromptu dancing and electric sliding after last year’s drag show or decorating in the rain and adorning a frozen campus with pride flags. 

Doane is Love encourages involvement of everyone on campus: faculty, 学生, 工作人员, 盟友, 最重要的是, 还有谁不愿意出来的. The hope, Ramsey 说, is they’ll feel more accepted to come out in the future.

《十大网络娱乐平台注册》是棱镜的代表作. 和 Ramsey took special care to ensure it continues to be after they graduate.  

For the first time, 棱镜 collaborated with faculty-led groups this year. This distributed the event planning and execution — and guaranteed structure in years to come. 

校园宣传, 预防, and Education (角) Project hosted a workshop titled “Love Shouldn’t Hurt.” The Division of 多样性、公平和包容 division co-hosted a drag party with 棱镜. The Student Programming Board hosted the post-celebration, a stoplight dance party. 

Other events included sex education trivia and a pronouns and trans identity workshop led by Irions, 同时担任棱镜计划的指导老师.

即便如此, Mittlieder and Ramsey already have ideas for future 棱镜 events that include fundraising, incorporating ally-friendly resources and community outreach. 


米特莱德上钩了. “我们在这里,我们是同性恋,我们哪儿也不去!她说完,拉姆齐笑了.